Monday, September 30, 2019

Bahlawane Discussion

The discussion is formulated, as the entire thesis, along with the two major investigations done during this study. These are the study of the regulatory mechanism of wg genes expression in the first part and of Rem expression in the second part. An emphasis is given to the role of MucR in both regulation paths. Finally, the conclusion will try to point out the consequences of an inter-connected regulation and be closed on the role of MucR for the symbiosis efficiency in S. meliloti. I. Regulation scheme of galactoglucan synthesis in low and high Pi Published, also already edited II.Regulation scheme of motility genes in S. meliloti. Motility and chemotaxis offers micro – organisms a distinct advantage when faced with starvation, toxic substances or a requirement to approach the appropriate host. However, the motility machinery places high energy demands on the cell. Bacteria develop a strict regulation network to control the expression of motility – related genes to av oid inappropriate energy expenditure. Bacteria also invoke alternative strategies for the regulation of motility when faced with starvation or reduced nutrient conditions. In some bacteria, e. g., Serratia liquefaciens and Escherichia coli, this strict regulation results an increase of ability to migrate when faced with reduced nutrient conditions (Sharma, Anand, 2002). Apparently the strategy is to engage the motility machinery only in response to stress / starvation conditions by moving towards a better environment. In other bacteria, e. g. S. meliloti, the strict regulation results migration toward chemo-attractants under nutrient sufficient or excess conditions and the development of the vegetative state and biofilm upon encountering stress/starvation conditions (Wei, Bauer, 1998).Thus, S. meliloti was found to be motile throughout active growth, when nutrients are readily available, and to become non-motile upon transition to the stationary phase (Rotter et al. , 2006). The clu e of this regulation remained unknown up to the present. Some advances have been performed by the discovery of Rem (Rotter et al. , 2006), a Class Ib regulator, which expression follows the cell motility. Recently, Hoang et al. (Hoang et al. , 2008) demonstrated that quorum sensing (QS) regulated motility in strain Rm8530 through the regulation of visNR expression by ExpR by using an unknown mechanism.1. Modulation of rem expression Since rem expression was found to be growth – dependent and that visN expression was constant all through the growth, new regulators of motility were expected (Rotter et al. , 2006). In the present study, we demonstrated that MucR affects motility by regulation of rem expression. Binding of MucR to the promoter region upstream of rem was shown and a sequence sharing similarities with the MucR binding site consensus (Bertram-Drogatz et al. , 1998) was identified in this region.However, further investigations suggested that sequences, downstream of this consensus, could be required for MucR binding to the rem upstream region. Since MucR inhibition was increased by a mutation in rem, we speculated that the ratio of Rem / MucR levels in the cell may contribute to the regulation of motility in S. meliloti. In RU11/001, Rem was found to be present in great amount in cells at low density (Rotter et al. , 2006) and slowly disappear during the exponential growth. We did not retrieve a much higher rem transcription level at low cell density in our wild type Rm2011.However, we cannot exclude that post – transcriptional regulation is responsible for the accumulation of Rem protein in Rm2011 at low cell density. If high levels of Rem are present in the cell, the effect of MucR on regulation of rem appears to be negligible. Consistent with this postulation, we observed that at low cell densities, the expression of rem promoter was inhibited in the presence of an intact mucR locus and a disrupted rem locus, but not in the presence o f a functional rem locus.In such scenario, the quantity of Rem within the cell in a culture of low cell density might be high enough to completely mask the effect of MucR, while at higher cell density, the higher quantity of MucR within the cell might be sufficient to inhibit transcription of rem. Another explanation for the difference of rem expression pattern between the strain RU11/001 and Rm2011 might be the expR status of these two independent wild types. Indeed, Rm2011 exhibits an insertion element within expR (Pellock et al. , 2002), leading to a non – functional gene and consequently a deficient quorum- sensing (QS) system.It was previously shown that the Sin / ExpR quorum sensing system (Marketon et al. , 2002;Marketon et al. , 2003) down-regulates motility and chemotaxis genes and that the visN-visR operon was a target for the LuxR-type regulator ExpR (HOANG 2004, HOANG 2008). We could confirm the inhibition of visN expression by AHL-activated ExpR and its relay to the rem expression. Moreover, McIntosh demonstrated binding of ExpR to the promoter region of visN in the presence of AHLs implying that ExpR directly regulates transcription of visN-visR (personal communication).While rem expression levels are regulated by several regulators, including ExpR, VisN and VisR, as demonstrated in this study and elsewhere (Hoang et al. , 2008;Rotter et al. , 2006) it is unknown what factors affect expression of the autoregulated mucR gene (Muller et al. , 1993). However, MucR appears to function as a repressor, both in the presence and absence of a functional Sin quorum sensing system (Bahlawane C. et al. , 2008;McIntosh et al. , 2008), suggesting that the regulation of mucR expression is not dependent on quorum sensing, although this remains to be confirmed.2. Requirement for swimming and swarming motility This study highlights another interesting aspect of motility in S. meliloti, namely, swarming, but not swimming, depends on the presence of a functio nal quorum sensing system and galactoglucan production. The requirement of exopolysaccharides for swarming was recently highlighted in a large scale analysis of Tn5 mutants exhibiting swarming defects in Rhizobium etli (Braeken et al. , 2008). The requirement of a functional quorum sensing for swarming was likewise found in Rhizobium etli (Braeken et al. , 2008;Daniels et al., 2006). However, this strain exhibits two different quorum sensing systems CinIR and RaiIR, with a much brighter QS signal molecules spectrum. We demonstrated that in S. meliloti, only those strains with an intact ExpR / Sin quorum sensing system and capable of galactoglucan and flagella production showed the ability to swarm. Even if MucR modulated the expression of the regulator of motility, the swimming ability of a mucR, expR – mutant (Rm101) was not affected. Therefore, swimming required flagella production, but not the ExpR/Sin system and galactoglucan biosynthesis.Swimming is an individual endeavo ur, whereas swarming is the coordinated movement of a population of bacteria in high viscosity media or over a surface and has been shown to be widespread among flagellated bacteria, particularly in association with quorum sensing (Harshey, 2003;Sharma, Anand, 2002). Hence, the involvement of quorum sensing in swarming, but not in swimming, may be an important feature in coordination of motility. 3. Interconnection between both regulation networks and comparison with other strainsCoupling of the regulation of bacterial exopolysaccharide production and the regulation of cell motility has also been found in Ralstonia solanacearum (5), Vibrio cholerae (1, 34), and Salmonella enterica (7), and presumably increases the ability of the cells to interact with their prospective host cells. We found that ExpR functions as inhibitor of the master regulator of motility VisNR, in addition to its role as an activator of the expression of the galactoglucan genes in the presence of Sin AHLs and pos itively affect expression of exoK and exsH leading to the depolymerisation of succinoglycan (McIntosh et al., 2008). Moreover, MucR is shown to inhibit the motility through rem expression, in addition to its role in the activation the HMW succinoglycan production and inhibition of the galactoglucan production. This fits well to the opposite regulation for succinoglycan biosynthesis and motility found previously for S. meliloti strains (Hoang et al. , 2008;Wells et al. , 2007;Yao et al. , 2004). A model is therefore proposed (Fig. 4. 2) where the inverse regulation of succinoglycan and flagella synthesis, as well as the role of MucR and ExpR are highlighted. Figure 4.1 Regulation schem of the motility in S. meliloti Dashed lines indicate an unknown regulation path and lines indicate a direct regulation through demonstrated DNA / protein interactions. The direct effect of ExoR /ExoS has to be further analyses, expecially the interaction with visN promoter has to be elucidated. Chapter 2 Conclusion Taking in account the scheme of galactoglucan synthesis regulation (Fig. 4. 1) and the scheme of motility regulation (Fig. 4. 2) proposed in this study, we may try to follow the effect of such regulation paths in the life – styles of the bacteria.The last one is named as free – living microorganism or as symbiont in the plant root. In the first case, the bacteria are exposed to dryness and nutrients starvation. At this stage, the biofilm production is a pre-requisite for survival. Therefore, the EPS’s biosynthesis has to be switched ON. As it is quite improbable that the cell density is high enough to activate the quorum sensing system, we can speculate that MucR plays a key role in activating the succinoglycan biosynthesis. Since the soil exhibits very low level of Pi, galactoglucan is, at this point produced through the activation via phoB and WggR.Upon biofilm formation, the cell density probably increases and could activate the quorum sensing s ystem, allowing the bacteria to produce more galactoglucan and swarm towards better conditions. In such conformation, the cells present within the centre of the swarming population are non motile and synthesized EPS; thus the cells present at the migration front are highly motile but do not synthesized EPS. It would be interesting to clarify whether a cell differentiation, as proposed by Soto (Soto et al. , 2002), takes place at this stage.Finally, if the host is present in the next neighbourhood the chemotactic compounds, as well as the nutrients found in the rood exudates, will attract the bacteria. When approaching the root, the moisture increases, along with the nutrients availability; so that swarming motility will be replaced by swimming motility that decline progressively. Indeed, the bacteria attached to the root, increasing the cell density that may lead to the inhibition of flagella production via ExpR / QS. Instead, EPS are produced, allowing recognition between the plant and the microbe as well as the invasion of the new synthesized infection thread.Once within the root, the bacteria will differentiate to bacteroid and start fixing nitrogen. We tried to highlight in this thesis the relevance of exopolysaccharides and motility for an efficient symbiosis. Great advances have been made the last years, leading to the identification of the quorum sensing interaction with motility. We participate in inclusion of MucR, as new regulator of motility and ExpR as requisite for swarming. However, the full understanding of the influence of motility in symbiosis establishment will require finding out which signals are inducing mucR and exoR/ exoS.Moreover, some tests have to be implemented to investigate the symbiosis establishment in more realistic conditions. Indeed, the bacteria are usually directly inoculated to the root, so that motility, via swarming or swimming is not required. Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Alfred Puh ler, Chair of the Genetics department, for allowing me use the very good infrastructure that promotes a very pleasant and conducive atmosphere during my research using performant techniques. I am especially grateful to Prof.Dr. Anke Becker, my supervisor, for giving me the chance to come back to research. Without her advices, ideas and resources, this work would not be possible and achieved. Thus, I thank her too for the freedom she gave me, as well as her support to test new ideas and her great help by conceiving and writing the manuscripts that become the pillars of this manuscript. Within the laboratory members, I would like to thank first Dr. Birgit Baumgarth who introduced me to the lab and to the investigated organism. Then, special thanks to Dr.Matthew McIntosh for the quorum sensing – related work and his help for preparing the derived publication. Furthermore, I would like to deeply thank Dr. Natasha Pobigaylo for her friendship, her helpful discussions and for givin g me courage when I am about to lose it. I thank Manuela Mayer, too, for the assistance in microarray hybridizations as well as Dr. Lisa Krol, Javier Serrania and Thomas Montfort for the everyday help in the lab. Finally, I would like to thank all Exopol group members for the support and advices.Least, I would like to thank my family for their unending and heartwarming support in many ways. Special thanks to Rachida Bendaou, my mother-in-law, for her support in caring my children during my research. I would like to thank my children, Ines, Soraya and Jasmine, for filling up my life with love and happiness. I would like to apologize for the bad mood and stress situations that are unfortunately connected with such a thesis. My heartfelt gratitude to my understanding and loving husband, Naoufal, for his moral and financial support, for believing in me and for sharing the passion for science with me.Resume In order to enter symbiosis with its legume partner, Sinorhizobium meliloti has t o face continual changing conditions. It has more ability to adapt quickly to the situation than the ability to face it efficiently that makes the difference in term of symbiosis efficiency. For the first interactions with its host, motility is required by S. meliloti to move towards the chemotactic compounds released by its host when exopolysaccharides (EPSs) are required later on, for the attachment to the root as well as for the invasion of the infection thread, leading to the formation of the root nodule.We focused in this study the regulatory networks leading to the coordination of motility and EPS’s production in the strain Rm2011. Depending on the phosphate concentration encountered in the environment Rm2011 synthesizes two different exopolysaccharides (EPS). Galactoglucan (EPS II) is produced under phosphate starvation but also in the presence of extra copies of the transcriptional regulator WggR (ExpG) or as a consequence of a mutation in mucR. The galactoglucan bios ynthesis gene cluster contains the operons wga (expA), wge (expE), wgd (expD), and wggR (expG).Two promoters, differentially controlled by WggR, PhoB, and MucR, were identified upstream of each of these operons. The proximal promoters of the wga, wge, and wgd transcription units were constitutively active when separated from the upstream regulatory sequences. Promoter activity studies and the positions of predicted PhoB and WggR binding sites suggested that the proximal promoters are cooperatively induced by PhoB and WggR. MucR was shown to strongly inhibit the distal promoters and bound to the DNA in the vicinity of the distal transcription start sites.An additional inhibitory effect on the distal promoter of the structural galactoglucan biosynthesis genes was identified as a new feature of WggR in a mucR mutant. Motility is organized in S. meliloti in a hierarchical cascade, with Class Ia genes, encoding the major regulator of motility VisNR; controlling the expression of the clas s Ib gene, rem, which encodes a central regulator, activating the expression of the downstream Class II and class III genes. We could demonstrate that MucR binds a DNA sequence upstream of rem, following a different mechanism as previously observed upon binding upstream of the wg genes.By this way, MucR inhibits rem expression as well as the expression of the Rem-regulated genes such as flaF and flgG. Furthermore, we addressed a balance of the swimming and swarming abilities of several S. meliloti strains derivatives of Rm2011. We could show that all strains, able to build flagella, were swimming on low viscosity agar plates. However, swarming over high viscosity agar plates required all a functional expR / sin locus, the ability to build flagellum and the production of exopolysaccharides. Finally, we propose a model for the coordination of motility and EPSs synthesis in S. meliloti.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Describe the spatial patterns and dimensions of one ecosystem at risk, and analyse the negative impacts of human activity on this ecosystem Essay

Describe the spatial patterns and dimensions of one (1) ecosystem at risk, and analyse the negative impacts of human activity on this ecosystem. One ecosystem at risk that has been studied is the coral reef; The Great Barrier Reef is located off the East coast of Northern Queensland. It stretches approximately 2300km from Papua New Guinea to Fraser Island. Overall the Great Barrier Reef system covers an area of over 348,000km2 making a vast, very complex ecosystem. There is a long history of human activity and use on and of the Great Barrier Reef. Negative impacts on the Great Barrier Reef include climate change, oil spills, tourism, overfishing, land clearing, sewage and waste disposal, coral harvesting and dredging and sand mining. Climate change has impacted Northern Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef as it increases in sea temperature, increases in average sea level, has a change in rainfall patterns. It changes the ocean currents and circulation, which has an increase in El Nino events which cause extreme weather and can damage the reef and cause a large amount of run off from the land, causing turbidity, lowering of salinity on the reef and increased amount of sediment. Extreme weather conditions can also increase the CO2 levels which can also change the chemical structure of the Great Barrier Reef causing coral bleaching. On-going climate change will have and has already caused many consequences for the Great Barrier Reef. This change will and has directly impacted many species of fish, invertebrate, mammals and birds along with many aquatic and terrestrial plants. There are also substantial impacts on the functioning of the reef. The biggest concern about climate change and the Great Barrier Reef is the rise in sea temperature which will affect the movement of water around the reef and the nutrient cycle on the reef which also means the chemical structure which will be altered because of the increased amount of CO2 dissolved into the water. With this and the rising sea levels, may be enough to destroy the reef, collapsing of the reef ecosystem. Recreational fishing is also a common past-time on the reef. When boats anchor on the reef, the heavy metal anchors damage the reefs coral formations and dredge up the sea grass bed. These boats are also a source of pollution through oil and oil spills, rubbish and sewage. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority estimates that around 6000 large commercial ships transit through the Great Barrier Reef each year. These ships can carry anything from grain, minerals, bulk cargo (such as cars) and oil. Luckily there has not been a major oil spill on the reef. Ships also have the potential to bring with them feral aquatic species by releasing ballast water which is used to balance the ship containing these aquatic animals. Commercial fishing or overfishing has been an important economic activity for Queensland’s coastal communities. Unsustainable fishing practices in the past have left many areas of the Great Barrier Reef with decreased fish stocks. While many areas of the Great Barrier Reef are now off limits to commercial fishers, various areas of the reef can still be fished. Local fishermen are now no longer a major threat to the reef as they understand the need to protect the area’s fish stocks. However, the reef still remains threatened by illegal fishing, which is often carried out by foreign fishing trawlers, and by unsustainable recreational fishing. Tourism is one of the most important industries in Northern Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef being ranked twelfth on the ‘Wonders of the World’ list brings a lot of tourism to Australia and especially far North Queensland. The economic value of the Great Barrier Reef exceeds more than $4 billion a year. In 2005, over 1.8 million tourists visited the reef. Research conducted by the James Cook University in Cairns has shown that tourism has five main impacts on the reef ecosystem; these are coastal tourism development, island-based tourism, marine based tourism, water-based activities and wildlife interactions. Coastal tourism development is explained as tourists mainly visit and stay at mainland Hotels, Motels and Resorts, where this places a strain on coastal environments, including estuarine river systems. Island-based tourism is the growth of tourism on islands throughout the Great Barrier Reef, which creates problems associated with sewage and rubbish discharges. Marine based tourism is where tourist boat companies make thousands of journeys out to the Great Barrier Reef each year, which brings rubbish and a potential for oil spills. These boats also require mooring points or anchor points on the reef which can destroy the coral. Water-based activities for explain diving and snorkelling are the most popular water-based activities on the reef. Most divers are very careful and usually cause no damage to the corals. However, studies have shown that a small proportion of divers swim too close to the corals, breaking them. The more fragile corals are susceptible to this. Wildlife interactions is the interactions with aquatic animals that live on the reef, most tourism operators are very careful to ensure tourists are well informed and to be strict with these rules and make sure that the tourists do not get too close to the wild animals that live on the reef, However, once again research shows that there are still a small portion of operators and tourists that are careless and disrupt wildlife which can impact on breeding cycles and natural interactions. Other impacts of tourism on the Great Barrier Reef include trampling of coral. This is a common occurrence where people walk on the reefs and the coral that become exposed at low tide. Souveniring of coral, shells and other elements of the reef ecosystem was also a major problem. In the past tourists and some commercial traders took large amounts of materials such as corals, mostly from the inner reef, which has now been constituted as being illegal unless the collector is correctly licensed. There are 26 major river systems that flow into the waters of the Great Barrier Reef from mainland Queensland. Approximately 25% of the land area of Queensland drains onto the reef. This runoff represents a major impact on the reef. Coastal development on land adjacent to the reef is expanding rapidly. Tourist developments such as those found between Cairns and Port Douglas, result in large amounts of land that is being cleared. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has information and research that the clearing of wetlands is another major issue impacting on the sustainability of the reef. Intertidal wetlands provide important habitats and nurseries for many of thousands of species that liv eon or near the reef. These wetlands also hold a large amount of water reducing the amount of fresh water the Great Barrier Reef receives each year which keeps salinity levels stable. Aquaculture is becoming a more popular form of commercial farming. Prawns, a number of fish species and pearl and edible oysters are commercially farmed throughout the Great Barrier Reef and in ponds near or next to the reef. These farms can sometimes release chemicals and diseases that impact and cause damage to the other species of aquatic life on the reef which can also cause pollution. Conventional agriculture on the coastal plain adjacent to the reef has been of great concern for reef ecologists and marine biologists. The use of chemical fertilisers in the farming areas of the reef can increase nutrients that promote algae growth. The algae can and already has been smothering the reef which causes a decrease in light penetration for the corals to perform photosynthesis to grow. A type of agriculture that can dramatically harm the reef includes land clearing which results in the erosion of topsoil and an increase in turbidity levels in the water. There are a large number of negative impacts on the ecosystem at risk studied, but the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, along with other smaller groups including the Aboriginal Culture have been enforcing a number of ways to protect and create awareness to tourists, fishers and all people on or visiting the reef or surroundings to keep the ecosystem as stable as they can.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cyber security Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Cyber security - Coursework Example edge of previous intrusions and other organizations’ reaction or solutions will be ready to lend a hand in outlining the business case for intrusion detection products. Additionally, they should also be aware of the advantages and opportunities offered by intrusion detection with a wide-ranging awareness with the intrusion detection solutions and products presently available in the market. In addition, they should also recognize the basic objectives and goals of the intrusion detection products. In view of the fact that Intrusion detection will be a costly activity or investment, even though they make use of an open source solution hence they need to spend an adequate amount of time to investigate, get, build up and put into practice to be far less than the in the general routine management of the information (Bandy, Money, & Worstell, Intrusion Detection FAQ: Getting Started, 2013). A "honeypot" is a very useful tool for protecting networks from not permitted access. In fact, the honeypot does not encompass applications or data that is vital to the business organization but it contains an adequate amount of attractive data to attract a hacker (SANS, 2013). In view of the fact that a honeypot is only a system tool or application or file that has entirely no reason in production hence it can be assumed that if the honeypot is accessed, there might be some reason that is not linked to a specific business corporation on purpose (Bandy, Money, & Worstell, Intrusion Detection FAQ: What is a honeypot? Why do I need one?, 2013). It is an admitted fact that the honeypots can be very helpful to business corporations that have considerable resources to maintain them. However, if an organization does not have a security expert to strictly keep an eye on a honeypot the organizations has, at finest, built a susceptible platform that is not checked regularly as well as at wor st, a platform that can be occupied and employed by any hacker to attack other systems. Moreover,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Week 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Week 3 - Assignment Example Main goal behind this article is to understand the transition between careers and particularly assessing the self-preparation, identifying the gaps and filling these gaps by developing the activities. Another source of self-preparation is the creation of unit professional program for individual development through education and training. Critical skills required for an individual build up for cyber domain include the knowledge on the computer networks, enterprise networks, cyber community, cyber command operations, cyber policies, hackers’ strengths and weaknesses, exploiting the data collection from opposite sources, kinetic military operations and new trends in emerging technologies (Conti et al., 2011). Authors do not encourage the students to adopt the cheating from adversaries. They want the students to learn creatively about the behavior of adversaries about cheating. Conti and Caroland (2011) have precisely pointed out the realm about cheating. Cheating techniques used by students in an exam present their intellectual advancement about how to use cheating means, even these are not allowed by exam laws and policies. This exercise of an exam enhanced the student capabilities to analyze the environment and benefited from weaknesses found in the system. Trust was another security principle, which is left open for exploitation of online as well as physical world. Student showed diversity of skills as they used different means of cheating in the class exam. Human beings always prove themselves as a weakest link in a given security system. Students are learnt how adversaries used cheating by violating the rules. In addition to this, students learn how their instructors provide them an environment to use the cheating in the exams. Exercise used in this article was only for one time and not for other exams or graded events. Realism and stress were increased as they occasionally walked among the students. Unfair and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Critique of Outside Speaker ( Various speeches 4 pages each) Essay

Critique of Outside Speaker ( Various speeches 4 pages each) - Essay Example He did not make any overwhelming gesture or aggressive style to draw the attention of listeners. In order to draw interest of listeners the content of his speech was very aggressive, full of hope and courage. He delivered each sentence very carefully and gave pauses to receive the applause. He never consulted written material and always looked into the crowd. 2. How were the main points organized? How were they supported (facts?, examples? Testimony, narratives?) What types of reasoning did the speaker employ? The main points were organized skillfully. Each point was linked with previous point maintaining a rhythm throughout the speech. The speech started with thanks to previous President. Speaker showed humbleness and acknowledged sacrifices of older generations. He did not mention exact events but made a reference to difficult times and admired resolve of American nation in overcoming every difficulty. He mentioned about war against terrorism and difficulties being faced and showed resolve to win this war. Without giving specific details he mentioned issues of poor economy, joblessness, deteriorating education and healthcare issues. He highlighted all major issues that confront American nation however did not mention details or their solution. He just stressed his resolve and hope to overcome all the problems. The audience liked his hopeful language and courageous style with occasional applause. He took this opportunity to reaffirm enduring spirit. He did not mention any facts or figures and only made two references to events of history. These events were migration of people to America and hardships borne by them to develop this land in peace and war. He made a second historic reference towards the words uttered by founding father during civil war ( Obama Inauguration Address ). He touched upon common heritage despite diversity and gave a message of hope to poor nations. He also gave a tough message to enemies without naming them. 3. Comment on the speakerâ⠂¬â„¢s delivery, noting both positive and negative aspects. The delivery of speaker was consistent, confident, extempore and fluent. Throughout his speech he never fumbled or forgot. He kept in mind the audience which was beyond doubt the whole world. Pitch and tone of his voice followed the words and suited the occasion. Delivery of speech was classic and memorable. The speaker knew his topic very well. There was no pressure of audience on speaker and he did not fumble even once. The speaker was loud, clear, maintained eye contact with the crowd through out the speech, remained calm and composed. His words were emotional at some places but he did not get carried away with emotions. He used spaces between topics very well. His standing on stage was perfect and calm. President Obama displayed presence of mind and command over his subject. His gestures were few but these were well received by the audience. He maintained a serious tone and never used humor or loose words. His body lang uage showed that he meant what he said. His delivery was spontaneous, natural and impressive. On the down side, at few places The President did not give enough pauses for the applause of audience. Had he not committed this mistake his speech would have appeared much popular. At very few places he switched topics rather abruptly which affected continuity of the speech. 4. What was the audience’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis - Case Study Example The top two occupations that offer the most job openings are postsecondary and elementary teachers with 892,000 and 587,000 job openings respectively. Middle school teachers and secondary school teachers held the 4th and 6th position in terms of job growth. The career with the least job openings is physical therapist at 72,000 jobs openings. Other than teaching positions five careers that have a good outlook for the period 2004-2014 are accounting, software engineers, physicians, lawyers, and managerial analysis. During this period the US economy will generate 486,000 jobs in accounting and 268,000 software engineer jobs. The primary reason people attend college is go obtain an education in order to find a job. The information provided on figure 6-2 is very valuable for college students because it provides them with data than can be used to make a change in their curriculums. It is not a wise investment to study a profession for which availability of jobs is limited. The chart was very useful, but it only provided data for 20 professions and there are hundreds of different occupations that require a college degree which were not mentioned in the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Lyme Bay and Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Lyme Bay and Tort Law - Essay Example The case of teenager deaths of canoeing in the Lyme Bay in March 1993 should be considered in the context of tort law. There are different aspects of the case, which should not have occurred at all. The canoeing activity should have been reconsidered under stricter regulations. St. Alban's Centre lacked of a proper supervision of canoeing activity. Therefore, the individual from the company was accused of four teenagers’ deaths. The involvement and mutual cooperation of parental, educational, health and social organizations resulted in legal regulations changes in the field of outdoors businesses. On March 22nd 1993 the canoeing party was organized by teachers and pupils and they were under supervision of two instructors from the St Alban's Centre. They were intended to reach Lyme Regis by lunchtime. The raft was far away from teachers and students and they were protected by life jackets. Only at 18:40 the rest of party members were rescued by helicopter . Consequently, this c ase is an appeal for the publicity to better regulate safety of outdoor activities for pupils. The coastguard was accused of oversight of their rescue activities and there was a need to better develop rescue operations on the coast. The main emphasis is made on outdoor education, which has been provided by the charitable organizations and authorities. Tort law implications In terms of tort law there are different prospects on this study. On the one hand, participants of Lyme Bay accident were under protected. On the other hand, their deeds and actions were neglected by the employees, who were not informed on time. Thus, in order to give an unprejudiced evaluation of the situation, it is relevant to focus on safety standards of recreation regulations of 90s. The ACAC Code of Practice is one of the most essential steps in the area of recreational sphere protection. Both the implications of statutory regulations and self-regulations were much concerned2. There was a need for an effective research and survey in the field of health and safety protection in the area of recreation activities. The role of public was essential, because people had a chance to have an access to required information about the relevant inspections. Lyme Bay accident was a starting point for considerations taken by the Departments for Education (DFE) about safe ty and protection of teachers and pupils at schools3. Explicit regulations at the governmental level taken by the government are also considered to be safety and protection laws determinants for further implementation at the local level. Moreover, it was found out that it is relevant to "place Education Authorities across the country in an invidious and untenable position" and there is a need for existence of monitoring organizations recording serious violations of activity centers4. Otherwise the public concerns of parents would be dubious with respect to pupils’ safety at school. The role of public concern and its explication in the tort law led to positive changes in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Planning and Goal Setting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Planning and Goal Setting - Essay Example For instance, he may ask that interviews be carried out around campus in a bid to gather certain information. For instance if the principal has heard of several complaints on numerous occasions, in order to have an idea of how many people are discontented, he may ask for data concerning this to be collected so as to enable him to act if need be. This is done mostly while analyzing data collected, mostly through questionnaires. If there was a certain question concerning this, then the campus leader will look at the responses and this will help in determining personnel needs. This article seeks to focus on a fundamental issue- the shortage of teachers and how to get more young people interested in the profession. Although this issue has been raised over a number of years, proper plans have not been put in place. This article outlines plans that have been proposed and implemented over years. For instance; CAPE. Identify the principal competencies and supporting standards involved or implicated in the reading, (e.g., Competency 5 and Competency 6, , including the following standard: Analyze the implications of various factors (e.g., staffing patterns, class scheduling formats, school organizational structures, student discipline practices) for teaching and learning, (Competency 5); Implement effective, appropriate, and legal strategies for the recruitment, screening, selection, assignment, induction, development, evaluation, promotion, discipline and dismissal of campus staff, (Competency 6). Implement old plans instead of making new plans. There are already plans on how to deal with the shortage of teachers; however these plans are usually scrapped for new ones without full implementation. Planning without implementation is an act in futility. The acute shortage of teachers is caused by the modern view of a teacher. A job deemed to be almost ‘menial’.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Gothic Cathedral Essay Example for Free

Gothic Cathedral Essay Gothic architecture was developed from a Christian perspective, and therefore attained its most meaningful expression in churches. Clerics began to demand taller churches with more windows than had been present in the dark, but sturdy Romanesque churches. This desire was derived from new intellectual and spiritual concepts that took a more rational view of God, and saw God encompassed many things, such as light, reason and proportion. The Gothic church displayed a visual attempt to leave behind the mysterious world of the Romanesque, and create a setting that was drawn toward light and purity that could be an image of heaven. The middle class also had a great influence on the Gothic style as they desired churches that could reflect their economic power and social status. The most magnificent characteristics of Gothic style were the use of light and relationship between structure and appearance. Other defining characteristics were that the massive thickness of the walls from Romanesque architecture were replaced with membrane-thin frameworks used for enclosure which could support nothing but their own weight. Ribbed vaults were used to allow lighter materials to be placed between stone ribs, thus reducing weight. The weight of the walls and roof were no longer supported by columns, but by external flying buttresses. They also used pointed arches and slender columns to lift the ceiling, which created an overwhelming height. Wall paintings, which had been common in the Romanesque, were now replaced with beautiful and enormous stained glass windows that allowed more light into the structures, imbuing all with a sense of warmth and color. Chartres Cathedral-Interior Chartres CathedralInterior The cathedral at Chartres was built during the Gothic period, and it showed an ideal of harmony within its structure and contents. Work on the cathedral started in 1194, and was mostly completed in 1220. It emphasizes strong vertical lines in its structure. The stained glass windows that are used in this cathedral, (it has 176), are recognized as the finest example from the gothic style. Today, 94% of the stained glass is original, and it is the largest, most extensive collection of medieval glass in the world. Rose windows were used. The primary subject of the great roses is the Virgin and the Child. The rose windows created wholeness and completeness. Indeed, it  has a special relationship to the Virgin Mary in that it portrayed more realistic and humane qualities of the Virgin Mary. The cathedral reflects the strong influence that God held over the people at that time. It shows an expression of piety and local identity to those that were proud to live in the vicinity of the cathedral itself. It enhanced civic pride, and was the focus of the town itself.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

E-Project Management Essay Example for Free

E-Project Management Essay Information is king to any business. Optimum utilization of information for efficient and timely retrieval is crucial to every business and people for their well being and proper nurturing. Every business functions with knowledge and effective use of it reflects in solving issues and conflicts. Every enterprise places great importance for its customers who drive their organization. Providing online facilities to them would prove access anywhere anytime. Businesses learned with time the project management techniques for effective delivery and service. Library of templates, checklists and pre-approved processes take a project from idea generation stage to completion. The customized dynamic applications which are pre-configured helps in the process of adding a shining touch to the finished product. Online repositories and expert systems have facilitated this process. Unique software for risk management, communication planning, stakeholder analysis, scope management, stock analysis and tracking of project schedule are the essentials which help in the entire process. It also proposes efficient MIS reports and decision support systems to take care of the communication strategies and tracking of reports. It is capable to present a picturesque view of the entire project management activities through several intermediaries such as Gantt charts and other illustrations. The efficient tracking mechanism in eProject management would result in greater flexibility of operations and larger penetrations to detect risks and associated problems. It also facilitates the risk handling process by identifying and capitalizing on them timely to prevent efficient managing of resources. The greatest incentive is the importance given to knowledge and its appropriate use. The use of knowledge repositories and capabilities of internet has facilitated the process of concept through revenue generation taking into account the dynamic movements in schedule, cost and resources.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Legacy of Qin Shi Huangdi

Legacy of Qin Shi Huangdi Legalism is a belief system that emerged in Ancient China during the era of the Warring States (771-221 B.C.), during which several viewpoints for reestablishing peace within China were competing following societal disorder. It was an approach defined by extreme methods, goals, and strict adherence to law. Under this political philosophy, human nature was perceived as evil and therefore heavy restraints were to be placed on humans. The laws established during this period were meant to be easily understandable, punishments threatening, and rewards prompt so that people decided to do exactly what the government asked of them(Major). Under legalism, a highly efficient and powerful government was believed to be fundamental to maintaining stability. Any disobedience was to be met with harsh punishments to make it less appealing for people to choose to be disobedient, while the well execution of duties by people was to be rewarded to encourage such complying behavior. It was not until Shi Huangdi came to the throne in 246 B.C., did Legalist ideology gain favor and actually be implemented in China. The first emperor used 4 methods to rule and unify China effectively, of which were centralization, standardization, censorship, and human rights abuse. One of these practices, censorship, helped accomplish its goal of unifying China by discouraging the presence of controversy which slows down the integration of society. Censorship is an important indicator for the presence of Legalism and it seems apparent that it has increased from Ancient China in terms of complexity. While Modern China, no longer reflects the extent to which Legalism has been prevalent in Ancient China, it, a country that lacks media freedom, still is imprinted with the main aspects associated with this philosophy. Censorship is the practice of officially examining books, movies, written works, and other objects in order to suppress unacceptable or objectionable parts. The purpose of this is to discourage opinion that may be detrimental to the government and is able to cause debate. In Ancient China, Legalist used censorship to control ideas, actions, and peoples behavior. One way they showed use of it was by ordering a campaign in 213 B.C. for confiscating and burning books in private hands that were harmful toward the government (Major). Another more serious action that illustrates the back-then use of censorship was Huangdis burial of Confucian scholars alive in the capital after learning about their dissent toward his policies. Therefore, censorship allowed individuals that go against the government in any way or caused disputes in society to be easily removed. Without any amount of censorship, people can be easily persuaded by materials used to convey opinion and the government would face difficulty in controlling its citizens. Today, the Great Firewall of China is the technology that the Chinese government uses to block access to material it finds inappropriate on the web (Olesen). Chinese Internet users are restricted with this from having the freedom to view certain search results fully, have discussions on certain topic, and to be able to express any comments freely. According to an academic cooperative, China has the worlds most sophisticated internet filtering system, and the Chinese government is arguably the worlds best at controlling what is people see (Wiseman). This is due to the Chinese governments intolerance of dissent that can be easily found when viewing information on the web. Internet freedom is important because as President Obama stated, the more freely information flows, the stronger the society becomes, because then citizens of countries around the world can hold their own governments accountable (Scherer). The Chinese government would be likely to disagree and apparently would want th eir citizens to be constrained as on the web to lessen their power and influence, to make the government more powerful and dominating over them as during the Legalist era when citizens were represented as powerless, insignificant government workers. Accessing data on sensitive as well as controversial subjects is difficult with the Chinese monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic on the web. An example of a specialized search engine for China that filters results effectively on such topics is Google China. With this website, when users type in Tiananmen Square, they will receive only the tourist images of the place and not the images of the 1989 protests for democratic reform there that ended up in a violent crackdown by the Chinese government (Wiseman). This reveals how the Chinese government is reluctant to have certain information online because it can be used to persuade them to take blame for something; the government tries to act as if less responsible for an event that we nt wrong when they previously intervened in it. Therefore, China uses propaganda officials who send out teams of commentators to post patriotic messages on websites and online bulletin boards to encourage the spread of nationalist opinion and/or positive feedback by citizens to the government (Edward). This helps show how the government tries to hide information it feels shouldnt be shared with information thats more likely to encourage positive attitude toward the government. Censorship efforts are also seen on television in China, where they are used to limit foreign ideas swaying citizens. Because the news media is not privatized, but managed by the government, the government has more power than citizens and has the ability to force media stations to use only approved news stories rather than any criticizing Chinas government (Haugen). Publishing or broadcasting on television anything that is distasteful to the Chinese government is illegal in the nation and can lead to imprisonment (Haugen). Again, these laws help protect the Chinese government more than the governments citizens, which would have been supported by the Legalists. An example of TV censorship that occurred this month was during President Obamas visit to China. After American officials negotiated to have the Chinese set aside live nationwide broadcast time for the presidents town hall with Chinese student, China still refused to follow their requests, and the event was shown later on TV (S cherer). This gave time for Chinese officials to edit the speech. When the president addressed the world in his inaugural and reached a line in his speech describing communism, the live broadcast in China was cut off and later versions of the speech had this part censored (Edward). Another line edited spoke to countries that imposed censorship policies to prevent criticism of their government. China might have censored such presidential comments to lessen the influence from Western values and to block out any sort of persuasion that might cause its citizens to do actions other cultures support but are unwelcome in China as they break with traditional Chinese values. This suggests China still has a hint of isolationism attitude toward other nations as it did have in the Legalist era and doesnt want to blend in with other countries as blending in would fade away traditional principles. Censorship is used to prevent Chinese citizens from complying with other nations other than China. Although the philosophy of Legalism isnt prevailing as it was in Ancient China, the heavy presence of media censorship on the Internet, television, and on foreign ideas, in China today, reveals that there is still a lasting impact from legalism that can noticed. If there wasnt any presence of Legalism, then, modern Chinese government would have been drastically different as citizens would have much more power than the government. But it isnt in a country that lacks essential media freedom. Bibliography Edward, Jonathan Ansfield. Chinese TV Censors Part of Address by Obama. The New York Times. 22 Jan. 2009. 13 Nov. 2009 . Haugen, David M. China: Opposing Viewpoints. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven, 2006. Major, John S. The Land and People of China. Lippincott, 1989. Olesen, Alexa. Chinese Censors Block Obamas Call to Free Web. Time. 16 Nov. 2009. 19 Nov. 2009 . Scherer, Michael. Could Obama Get Around Chinas Great Firewall? Time. 16 Nov. 2009. 19 Nov. 2009 . Wiseman, Paul. Cracking the Great Firewall of Chinas Web Censorship. USA Today. 23 Apr. 2008. 13 Nov. 2009 .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Economics of War :: Economics Essays

As the United States forges an international military and political coalition to counter the heinous attacks of September 11, it is equally important to mount a coordinated response to the economic dimension of the crisis. Acceptance of a financial meltdown or global recession would represent as great a defeat as a failure to punish the perpetrators of the bombing itself and their protectors. The case for a multilateral economic strategy is compelling. Even prior to the attacks, the world was experiencing its first synchronized turndown in decades. Growth had slowed sharply almost everywhere and turned negative in a number of countries. There was genuine risk of a global recession and the latest, pre-attack US data underscore that possibility here. The terrorist actions will depress economic activity further for at least a while. More importantly, the shock to confidence could lead American and other consumers into more cautious spending patterns for months or even longer. A worldwide downturn is all too possible. A synchronized policy response is thus required. The key central banks have already taken the first essential steps by pumping sizable amounts of liquidity into the markets to prevent cash shortages that could disrupt commerce, and by making initial cuts in interest rates. The OPEC countries have also made a major contribution by announcing that they will maintain oil production at levels that will avoid exacerbating the problem. Much more is needed, however. The next move should be a further, coordinated reduction in interest rates by the central banks, especially our own Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank that manages the euro. (The Bank of Japan's interest rates are already near zero.) Given the urgent need to restore confidence and provide the maximum stimulus to reviving economic activity, the world's monetary authorities should continue to act together in a rapid and decisive manner. All three of the chief economic areas, including Japan as well as the United States and Europe, should also adopt expansionary fiscal measures. Strangely, the major European countries and Japan have been contemplating spending cutbacks, in the face of recession or sharp slowdown, to meet pre-planned budget targets. This would be akin to the Hoover economics that helped bring on the Great Depression in the 1930s, making a bad situation much worse.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Any information presented about IP version 6 (IPv6) will not be complete without talking about IP version 4 (IPv4), its predecessor. For completeness, a brief introduction of IPv4 will be made. In the networking of computers and devices, the Internet Protocol (IP) plays a very important role. The IP, found at the internet layer of the Department of Defence (DoD) model provides the means for the devices to communicate using logical addresses called IP addresses. The importance of an IP address to communication will be felt in the analogy of a surface mail. How possible would it be to send a letter to someone whose address we do not know? The IP address enables us to know the source of a packet and the destination for proper delivery by the IP protocol. IPv6 motivation The development of IPv6 is motivated by the inadequacies of its predecessor IPv4. IPv4 is an addressing scheme that makes use of 32 bits in groups of 8 bits each to identify a device. Each address represents a number in the decimal range 0 to 255 in each of the four octets that represent it. Due to the 32-bit size of the address, the maximum number of IPv4 addresses that can be used is thus limited to 232, approximately 4.3 billion addresses (4,294,967,296). For an addressing scheme that was just to serve as a test of the concept of networking, the possibility of its exhaustion was a remote one. The reality however of the exhaustion of the available IPv4 addresses due to the astronomical increase in the number of people and devices on the internet that need IPv4 addresses gave rise to the development of IPv6. IPv6 Structure IPv6 is a routable protocol that is responsible for the addressing, routing, and fragmenting of packets by the ... ...ters. Devices that do not support IPv6 may require only a firmware upgrade with the new IPv6 stack if the equipment manufacturer so provides it. Or else, such equipment will need to be totally replaced with a new one that supports IPv6. The softwares in use may support both IPv4 and IPv6. Most of the recent releases of major operating systems have deployed and supported the use of IPv6 in their operating systems. Windows operating system however does not fully support IPv6 despite the quest for its adoption being pushed by Microsoft. The use of the full colon of the IPv6 IP address in the address bar of a browser will make the operating system think it is a reference to a drive. The cumbersome way around this is to use a domain translation where the colons are replaced with dashes and the characters '' has to be appended to the end of the address. â€Æ'

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Macbeth and Macduff Essay

You have some excellent points, but I think you’re missing an essential part of the question here – compare and contrast. So far you’ve spoken about Macbeth in great detail and neglected the other two. The key here is balance. Say Macbeth is like so†¦. where as Banquo is like so†¦ and Macduff like so†¦ (this is contrasting) When comparing you are going to have to look at how each reacts in certain situations compared to Macbeth. For instance, Banquo reacts to the prophesies of the â€Å"weird sisters† with suspicion, mistrust and a certain level of foreboding whereas Macbeth reacts with elated disbelief, hangs on every word and sees it as the beginning of great things. And from his reaction the things said by the sisters were ambitions that were within him already whereas Banquo had no real ambitions to become father to a line of kings before that. That’s why he says â€Å"Speak to me who neither begs nor fears your favors nor your hate† – or something like that. And use quotes. A good essay always has good quotes woven into it. But don’t go wild with them. Just place one or two here and there to support a point. Also, personally I have never viewed Macduff and Banquo as heroes. They lack the heroic potency of a Shakespearean hero. Shakespearean heroes are dense characters and these two are pretty straightforward. With Shakespeare there’s always more to a hero than meets the eye. So I would say, it is clear beyond doubt that Macbeth is the hero of the play. But the key is – he’s a tragic hero, one who ends up a fallen hero. And aren’t such heroes always the best? Banquo and Macduff would have been boring heroes, clean, cut and straight as they are. They would have been so predictable. Whereas with Macbeth you could never know what he was going to do. In the beginning we are introduced to this good, noble guy who’s fatal flaw is ambition and we hope he won’t go through with Duncan’s murder but he does; we pity him, hope for his redemption even and are shocked by the things that he begins to do after the murder as he grows bolder and bolder.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mexican Drug Cartels Essay

Several drug cartels are involved, such as: Sinaloa Cartel, Gulf Cartel, Juarez Cartel, Knights Templar Cartel, Tijuana Cartel, La Familia Cartel (disbanded), Los Zetas, Beltran-Leyva Cartel (disbanded), Jalisco New Generation Cartel, Independent Cartel of Acapulco, La Barredora. You could see them all as the bad guys. On the other team are the Mexican forces, consisting of the Army, Navy, Air force, the Federal police and other Mexican forces What are the sources of the conflict? What is it about? The main source of the conflict is power. All of the cartels wanted more power and money and they started fighting each other because of this. Another major cause of the conflict are the drug trafficking routes used by different cartels, the cartels want more power over each other’s routes. Relationships between/among conflicting parties? They were once all together in one massive cartel. But because of the decision of the leader of the cartel the ‘mother-cartel’ split up in many smaller cartels (See Dimension #1). What is the history of the conflict? The birth of all Mexican drug cartels is traced to former Mexican Judicial Federal Police agent Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo (â€Å"The Godfather†), who founded the Guadalajara Cartel in 1980 and controlled all illegal drug trade in Mexico and the trafficking corridors across the Mexico-USA border throughout the 1980s. He started off by smuggling marijuana and opium into the U. S. A. , and was the first Mexican drug chief to link up with Colombia’s cocaine cartels in the 1980s. Through his connections, Felix Gallardo became the point man for the Medellin cartel, which was run by Pablo Escobar. This was easily accomplished because Felix Gallardo had already established an infrastructure that stood ready to serve the Colombia-based traffickers. There were no cartels at that time in Mexico. Felix Gallardo was the lord of Mexican drug smugglers. He oversaw all operations; there was just him, his cronies, and the politicians who sold him protection. [59] However, the Guadalajara Cartel suffered a major blow in 1985 when the group’s co-founder Rafael Caro Quintero was captured, and later convicted, for the murder of DEA agent Enrique Camarena. 60][61] Felix Gallardo afterwards kept a low profile and in 1987 he moved with his family to Guadalajara. According to Peter Dale Scott, the Guadalajara Cartel prospered largely because it enjoyed the protection of the Direccion Federal de Seguridad (DFS), under its chief Miguel Nazar Haro, a CIA asset. â€Å"The Godfather† then decided to divide up the trade he controlled as it would be more efficient and less likely to be brought down in one law enforcement swoop. 63] In a way, he was privatizing the Mexican drug business while sending it back underground, to be run by bosses who were less well known or not yet known by the DEA. Gallardo convened the nation’s top drug traffickers at a house in the resort of Acapulco where he designated the plazas or territories. The process: how do we choose to deal with the conflict? We do not personally deal with this conflict. However, the US army helps the Mexican government at some points, since most of the drugs comes in via Mexico.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Walt Disney as a leader

Walt Disney as a Leader Throughout the years, in the field of entertainment there are very few people who have captured the eye of the public and made a name themselves. Walt Disney achieved this and much more, his name became a renowned brand and his success to the form of amusement parks around the world and iconic movies that continued to be passed down to be watched for generations, immortalizing his creations into the childhood of millions. Walt Disney presented himself as a leader for pioneering the world of animation into our day to day forms of entertainment.His imagination ead him to go beyond the limits of a simple cartoonist. He dreamt of a much larger picture and he knew his creativity could bring something great to this world. Through his ambitious and creative nature he created whole worlds and characters with stories for us to fall in love with. His stubborn attitude and his optimism motivated cartoonist and animators alike, to aspire great goals in their careers despi te what anyone else states against you. Walt Disney had always had big aspirations no matter how impossible it may have seemed he always worked his hardest to reach his goals.His ambition motivated him to do the unthinkable, even when his ideas failed him he kept looking at the big picture. This mode of thinking lead him to want to â€Å"be the first person to create a full length animated This was in 1933 and at the time this goal seemed outrageous, no one believed it would succeed and that he would go bankrupt like in many of his other attempts at animation. But Walt Disney ignored these thoughts and stayed true to his vision, he hired only the most skilled cartoonists and began his four year project. All the while ignoring the warnings about his imminent failure.Four years later his first full length production, â€Å"Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs† was released in 1937. It became a sensation and the success spurred on Walt Disney's imagination into creating more films s uch as â€Å"Bambi,† â€Å"Cinderella,† â€Å"101 Dalmatians,† â€Å"Alice in Wonderland,† â€Å"The Lion King,†(Warfield) and the list goes on. Walt Disney's ambition motivated him to reach his goal despite the criticism, and if he hadn't where would we be without these iconic movies? Creativity was one of Disney's many strong suits, his imagination lead to many conic creations that added a new level into the entertainment field.Walt Disney was a pioneer and innovator, â€Å"and the professor of one of the most fertile and unique imaginations the world has ever known. † (Brad) Hi creative mind set was one of the main factors that lead to his great success. Having always had an artistic interest, since he was Just a young boy he drew cartoons for his school newspaper and at times, when invited to, told stories to the class by drawing them out on the chalkboards in his classroom. His creativity grew in his studios, in the early days of is car eer it was located in his garage.He grew fond of three mice that he latter took in as pets, â€Å"he had a particular favorite who inspired the cartoon character Mickey Mouse. † (Kraws) His imagination lead him to create one of the most iconic characters in the entertainment field. Mickey Mouse forever characterized as the face for Disney's name, one ot the greatest creations he made, torever immortalizing his brand and his future accomplishments. He also had an impulsive nature about him that often times turned to stubbornness when trying to bring his next vision to reality.During his production of â€Å"Mary Poppins†, it was originally meant to be a movie with only real actors. But Disney was struck with this idea of merging animation along with the real people, and idea every involved in the production, including the actors found absurd. Many objected the idea claiming it to be â€Å"too high of risk. â€Å"(lMDb) This time Walt Disney was not ignoring the words o f Just critics but his own co-workers and partners. He went ahead and added the animation to film despite the words of his team. The film was released in 1964 generating yet another wave of success in the Walt Disney Studios.Walt Disney's impulsive and stubborn nature could be viewed as one of his flaws but it often was that impulse to pursue the goals set by his imagination that fueled his stubborn nature to reach his goal despite of anyone's advice. And that impulse usually lead to great creations that ended in success. Though optimism is not something that comes naturally to most people, Disney had an incredible way of seeing the â€Å"light at the end of the tunnel† even in his darkest situations. Such as his early attempted projects like â€Å"The Alice Comedies† which ended when he â€Å"and his company Laugh-O-Grams went bankrupt. Brad) Even having to face his past failure Disney still aimed to achieve greatness and he never let the negative parts of his life c loud these ideals. His views on life was always bright and challenges never seemed to faze him. Other parts of Disney's life were not as easy to get over, â€Å"probably the most painful time of Walt's private life, was the accidental death of his mother in 1938. † Once â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs† was released Walt and his brother Roy Disney, bought a home for their parents closer to their studio, but unfortunately less than a month later Disney's mother died ofAsphyxiation due to a faulty furnace. (Brad) The accident haunted Disney for years but he continued on with his animations despite his grief and still believed life would get better. His optimistic attitude during the darkest of times motivated thousand of cartoonists and animators to persevere and make them believe in Disney could do it so could they. Throughout the challenged Walt Disney had faced, his ambition led him to achieve impossible goals, his creativity allowed him to imagine captivating st ories, his stubbornness stuck him to his ideals and his optimism go him through the greatest challenges.A true inspiration for aspiring cartoonist, animators and entertainers alike that greatness can be achieved with perseverance and motivation. He taught the world that creativity should be embraced and that imagination is a gift that can lead the world to achieve seemingly impossible goals. Few men have made such a mark on the world, and most not as memorable as Walt Disney. In his words, â€Å"we keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. † (Rosenbaum) Walt Disney, a true leader and pioneer to the creative imagination.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bates Boatyard

Table of Contents Facts| †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦| 2| Analysis| †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦| 2| ConclusionsReferences| †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦| 56| Issues 1. a. What would you tell Bates concerning her ac counting needs, emphasizing the uses of the accounting information for all stakeholders within and without the business? 2. a. The boatyard operates how many businesses? b. What are the accounting information needs for managing these businesses? FactsSarah Bates a returning Navy civilian decides to buy a business with the money she has saved along all this time. Bates buys a small boatyard in a town on the coast of Maine where she had spent many summers. The business being somewhat larger than she could finance alone, she had borrowed the additional funds required from a friend, giving a mortgage on the property as security. Along this way she realized she needs adequate accounting records. The records on hand were for cash receipts and disbursement only, as well actual balance sheet and profit and loss statement.Bates did not have any background on accounting therefore she finds helps from a friend of her, who advice her on what kind of accounting records should be kept and what ki nd of financial and cost information should be developed to control operations and to make proper charges to customers for services rendered. Some of the facts of the business are, one of the properties was a large shed for the winter storage of boats. Since the place was very suitable for larger boats there was a great demand for the space in it on the part of owners of expensive boats among the summer people.Also there was plenty of empty land on the shore front outdoor storage, the space was rented and also hired to haul the boats in equipment that it had for the purpose. During spring and other seasons there was a lot of business in painting and repair work for boats. Also she had a large sized work shed containing woodworking tools and space for when the weather was not the best to work outside it could be done inside. Lastly the property included a good sized wharf and float, a store for the sale of marine hardware and supplies, and gasoline pumps.Analysis 1. Bates did not hav e any proper accounting system; Bates only has record for cash disbursement and cash receipts. Bates should use the cost accounting system. This system is suitable for her as she can identify and assign the cost to each department. Bates should implement segmental reporting for each of the department so that she can assess the contribution and profitability of different departments by comparing the revenues and costs that they generate.Based on the segmental reporting, she can identify whichever departments that contribute profit or loss to her business. At the same time she can remove the unprofitable department. Bates needs to keep other accounting records other than the cash disbursement and cash receipts. She has too many business activities without any proper accounting management. Bates should identify which activity she wants to focus more on and, to be able to make it as her core business.Based on the segmental reporting used, Bates can analyze and determine which continuous ly gives profit to her. There a couple of suggestions Bates should implement on her accounting needs, first of all to implement a computerized accounting system in order to generate proper accounting records, since manual records are subject to greater human error, and can be easily misplaced. As for inventory purpose on her store, she should have an automated system that can help her keep track of inventory.Also Bates should conduct a cost benefit analysis, she wants to invest more money from capital that she does not have at the moment by adding a fishing tackle, sporting goods, and refreshment to her retail shop and without finding out if by adding the shop would really add more value into her business. Also she needs to study on what seasons is her business more profitable, in order to use the space more efficiently and effectively, and at the same time to segregate duties accordingly to demand of customers. . a. The Boatyard operates 3 different businesses. The first one is a l arge shed for winter storage of boats. There is great demand for space since it is a very suitable space for boats. Also there is more space for storage and haul of boats in on equipment on the front. The second one is a large sized work shed containing woodworking tools and space to construct about six boats up to 40 feet in length at one time. This space also it could be used for painting and repair shop.Lastly a good size wharf and float, store for the sale of marine hardware, supplies, and gasoline pumps, also a great spot for people who surfs to be around. b. One of the accounting information that Bates needs in order to manage his business, would be to calculate certain business functions costs. Bates needs to determine how much labor is used and the amount of materials used. Since managerial accounting helps decide the amount of time spent on each customer to maximize profit. Cost Objects need to be identified for measuring and assigning costs.For Bates there are different co st objects involved, which are; a large shed for winter storage, empty land for outdoor storage, and a yard at the same time as painting and repairing department. Another cost objects include; work shed for construction of boats, hardware and supplies store, gasoline pump, wharf and float. Each of these cost objects should be clearly defined as a separate department. The cost must be identified, measured and assigned to each department for planning, controlling and decision making.The direct cost can be identified through direct tracing that recognizes costs that are exclusively and actually associated with each department. To assign costs that have a cause and effect relationship with each department, the driver tracing method should be used, and this method is less expensive than assignment or allocation and the result is usually more accurate. At the same time indirect cost must be assigned through allocation. These costs must be measured with high degree of accuracy so that the profit can be calculated correctly.This cost information is needed for setting up objectives such as quality of painting and repair work; in order to reduce inspection costs, customer complaints, and waste material. Another objective would be evaluation suppliers and signing a contract with the suppliers for long term supply of defect free hardware tools and supplies at a fixed rate. An additional objective is that, maintenance costs must be identified as well as budgeted, and a maintenance schedule should be made to reduce labor costs. This is accomplished by having performance reports that compare the actual data with budgeted, planned data.A schedule must be maintained for employees working in painting, repair department and hardware store to avoid overtime premium. In order to achieve all the objectives, the best strategies need to be chosen and implementation of all objectives must be monitored so that corrective action can be taken. Conclusions 1. I would extremely recommend B ates to analyze her economically and business position at this moment. She needs to understand that she is involved in so many different businesses at this moment, and she is really the only one who is somehow on control and management of the all businesses.She should either take some intensives classes in how to use managerial accounting correctly or hire someone with accounting background that would advise her and collect the necessary data in order to used it properly, and to make the right decisions. Also since she just started her business she should study the industry that she is getting involved in first, before she make any further decisions in investing more money or expanding her business. At the same time she should try to focus in one business at the time to make sure everything gets handle the way it should be, as she could start earning some profit as soon as possible.Lastly she needs to understand that since she borrow some money she would need to start adjusting her finances, and increase profit in order to comply with all of her obligations that would be coming up. 2. a. the business operated by Bates Boatyard are described on analysis 2a along the analysis we could observed how many different business she is operating, and once again recommender her to focus one by one at the time, to ensure everything is running well on her business.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Book fair

BOOK FAIR- 2012 WHEN E-BOOKS MEET THE MANGO PEOPLE†¦ It was a fine sunny morning when I with my bunch of my classmates went to the 18th annual Delhi book fair on 6th September 2012 at Pragati Maidan. It was  a nine-day affair featuring discussions on proliferation of e-books and interaction with authors, apart from availability of vast number of books on divergent genres. We were supposed to report for a radio show as per our curriculum and were told to reach Pragati Maidan at 10 in morning. Getting up early and witnessing the bumpy metro ride I reached Pragati Maidan at 10.30 am. All are group members waited for the respected teachers to give us the gadget. The time we waited for the teachers to come we discussed about the theme of our radio show. As soon as we got the recorder we tightened up our belts and went to hall no. 8 from where the book fair commenced. We chose children’s book as our theme for radio show and decided to take the bites of all the students and children. First of all we went to the information desk to know about the number of stalls that were based on children books and educational games. We found that out of 235 stalls 40 to 45 stalls were dedicated for the children of all ages. We also came to know that the theme of the book fair this time was e-books. We started with the school children of classes 3rd to 5th of New India Modern Public School and recorded their experience at the book fair. Also we talked to their teachers who told us about the books they preferred for their children. Then we all went to the group of school girls who came all the way from Himachal Pradesh along with their teachers to explore Book Fair 2012 as it was a part of their training program to learn English. They told us that it was their first visit to book fair and how it helps them in their training program. We also talked to the parents and children and different stall owners and recorded their aims and aspirations from the book fair this year. After we got the required bites we handed over the recorder to the other group and I went to look for different books especially the e-books. The new theme e-books influenced me a lot personally. The idea of saving trees by omitting paper for e-books was quiet paramount. I really liked the concept and especially the material that it offered. It was one of the easiest and environment friendly ways that makes reading and learning fun. I also went and saw many books by national geography and saw the epical photographs that were printed in them. Over all it was a nice educational expedition that was accompanied by fun and new learning ventures. VINAYAK VERMA SEM III-B

Critically assess Michel Foucault's contribution to the Essay

Critically assess Michel Foucault's contribution to the structure-agency debate - Essay Example Most sociologists, from Durkheim to Talcott Parsons and Radcliffe Brown focus on the standard structures of societies for explaining behaviour patterns. The wider acceptance of the social-structural explanations of identity is attributed to the fact that unlike an individual’s characteristics, social structure is represented by an elaborate conceptual framework (Cote & Levine, 2002: 46). However, it will be seen that sociologists such as Cooley, Blumer, Goffman and Garfinkel emphasise the significance of agency, the symbolic nature of human interaction and the ways in which humans negotiate roles and meanings on an on-going basis. According to Foucault, modern society is highly differentiated and fragmented. Power is not a commodity which can be acquired, nor is it the property of an individual or class, it is rather a structural phenomenon, an extensive network which is all-encompassing. Foucault’s view of modernity is that there exist many centres of power, and connections between various areas of power. This approach is in contrast to the Marxist emphasis and focus on the class struggle and the state, as the centres of power. Further, the mode of production, the work and the industrial sphere that Marx identified as central to power, is different from the Foucaultian view of power as existing in several different social settings and locations (Layder, 2006: 125, 126). The intellectual movement of the eighteenth century, termed as the Enlightenment developed the concept of â€Å"modernity† along with a range of disciplines which constitute the social sciences, forming the modern conception of knowledge (Billington, 1998: 6). Dawe (1970: 208) states that to solve the problem of social order the Hobbesian approach to human nature, which is: â€Å"in the absence of external constraint, the pursuit of private interests and desires leads invevitably to both social and individual disintegration† was taken into

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Response Paper - Essay Example The author’s argument on debts is valid from a moral perspective but not from a legal perspective. Moral values such as beneficence and nonmaleficence require that actions result in benefits or at least minimize harms to people and offering credits that can increase economic burdens on borrowers fails the morality test. Similarly, a utilitarian perspective to ethics requires optimal benefits. The relative number of lenders and borrowers, however, identifies concentration of benefits in the hands of a few individuals while majority borrowers bear the burden of refinancing loans and even consequences of defaults. A legal perspective, however, identifies equal responsibilities between lenders and borrowers because of their roles in creating contracts; and this is consistent with deontology ethics. Credits are, therefore, legal as long as both parties consent to it and though resistance to credit may be necessary, especially to protect vulnerable populations, awareness among the p opulation and social bargaining is the most suitable approach because it is likely to induce moral soundness in the credit system that is based on legal frameworks and profit motive (Ross

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Rise of China, its effect on Reshaping the Business Environment Essay

The Rise of China, its effect on Reshaping the Business Environment and how this Affects Multinational Enterprises - Essay Example Disadvantages include increased competition in the export market and increased competition for raw materials. In addition, it is unknown what China will be like as a world economic leader and what effects this will have on the rest of the world. Introduction The economic boom in China has resulted in continued significant growth to the Chinese economy and the growth is predicted to continue. Already China has the second strongest economy worldwide and projections indicate that this growth is likely to continue. Calculations suggest that by 2035 the economy of China will have completely overtaken that of the United States, who is the current economic world leader. As the economy of China continues to grow, there is already evidence of the country reshaping many economic variables and the environment for businesses. There are a large number of implications for businesses as a consequence of this growth particularly those which span multiple countries. A multinational enterprise (MNE) i s a corporation or enterprise that has its headquarters in one country, and operates in other countries also. This operation may be in terms of having distinct branches or stores in other countries, or it may mean outsourcing production or a portion of production to a different country. MNE’s vary significantly in size, with some being small, and others large, with budgets that are so large they exceed the gross domestic products of some countries. The countries in which MNE’s have their headquarters play an important role in the way in which they operate and their ability to generate revenue, however the international economic situation also plays a significant role. The rise of China has already significant affected economic relationships and trends internationally and there are strong indications that this trend will continue. As a consequence, the rise of China has many potential effects for MNEs including both positive and negative effects. The Economic Rise of Ch ina The financial crisis which has been affecting enterprises, governments and countries worldwide has provided significant opportunity for the economy of China to strengthen itself and emerge as one of the fastest developing economies worldwide. The economic boom that has caused this rise has been steady for four decades, and indications suggest that the rise is sustainable. Already it ranks as the second strongest worldwide economy, after that of the United States. It is the largest exporter of products worldwide, and the second largest importer of goods. It has been projected that the economy of China will be stronger than that of the US by 2035, and will be twice the size of the US economy by 2050 . The growth of China’s economy has always been independent of the US, having low growth when the US economy was soaring, and now growing rapidly as the US economy is having significant difficulties. As China is gaining economic strength and power internationally, the consequenc e is a shifting of economic power and the redistribution of economic linkages as well as the creation of new ones. The continued growth and development of China’s economy will eventually result in the displacement of the US as the predominant market economically, resulting reassessment and changes within all major economic markets worldwide. Before the financial crisis, China used an export model for its economy, exporting goods to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

In your study team you are required to analyse the UK Brewing Essay

In your study team you are required to analyse the UK Brewing industry. You have been provided with a report prepared by the Bri - Essay Example Further, governments are levying more and more taxes on this industry to regulate the monetary crisis. UK BEER INDUSTRY Beer is called the national drink of UK. However, the present statistics have reported that beer consumption has decreased in UK by 3.1% in last 12 months (BBPA, 2008, p. 3). This reduction in the consumption of beer is causing UK brewing industries to downsize and even close their breweries. There are a number of key factors that are causing the decrease in the rate of consumption of beer. Major factors causing the shift in consumption patterns can be categorized into change in trends, financial, political and economic issues. FACTORS AFFECTING UK BEER INDUSTRY CHANGE OF TRENDS The rate of beer consumption in UK has been affected hugely by the shift in trends that has resulted into a change of preferences. According to BBPA’s report, â€Å"Since 1979, per capita consumption of beer has fallen by 33 per cent.† (BBPA, 2008, p. 3) It further stated that â€Å"men fell from 17.2 units a week in 1998 to 14.9 in 2006. By women, it fell from 6.5 units to 6.3, having been at 7.6 in 2002† (BBPA, 2008, p. 8). ... Beer used to be a popular drink a century ago, but today the introduction of sodas, various juices and drinks have lessened its charm and popularity despite being UK’s national drink. 2. Demographic Shift The migration and settlement of the people from all over the world in UK can also be regarded as an important factor in lowering the rate of consumption of beer. The ever increasing population of Muslims in UK has also resulted in the reduction of alcohol consumption as Muslims refrain from drinking beer and other alcoholic products. 3. Ban The ban on alcohol consumption within workplaces is also affecting the sale of beer. A restriction on drinking alcoholic products while travelling has also led to a reduction in the sales of beer as a lesser number of people want to go against the law. Though there are toasts raised and wines served in social gatherings and business parties, the average decrease is quite prominent. 4. Health Consciousness The increase in the health conscio usness is also causing people to avoid drinking alcohol. It is further promoted by anti drug agencies and nutritionists who regard alcohol as an additional burden on the wallet, a threat to lives of drinkers and the people around them, and a ticket to one’s journey to prison cells. FINANCIAL ISSUES Along with the changing trends, financial issues are affecting the brewing industry badly. People have found things more important to buy than a pint of beer. Beer is now considered as a luxury since it has become extremely expensive due to the imposition of new government regulations. Major factors contributing to the financial issues causing lesser consumption of beer include the ever increasing prices of beer, lesser affordability due to unemployment and

Monday, September 9, 2019

Computer games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Computer games - Essay Example If the vigorous physical sports and the wild spirit characterized the children of previous century, I believe the trademark of today’s youth is computer games. According to Diane Carr â€Å"computer games have existed in some form for almost half a century and have been a mass-market commercial phenomenon for more than twenty five years. They are a regular part of life for millions of people†. Internet and computer games have turned out to be an entrenched aspect of the daily lives of many people. The use of computers has gone further than just work and is at present a main source of enjoyment and entertainment. For the majority of the individuals, gaming at computer is incorporated into their daily lives in a reasonably healthy way. Whereas for others, time used up on the computer games fails to meet equilibrium, and has succeeded to replace work, education, family, and even friends. A massive Multiplayer online game (MMOGs) is mainly a very spectacular example of the fame and extension of computer games not simply between the youth but with gamers of all age. Distinguished because of their unrelenting implicit world, their complic ated narrative situations, surroundings and iconography, their frequently captivating aesthetics and their level, their main prominent characteristic, debatably are the manners in which they operate. As modern media plus digital civilization obtains a progressively more vital position in the lives of young people’s, computer games happen to characterize the manners in which contemporary characteristics, prospects and knowledge regarding the world may be formed and manipulated by their commitment with the world of online gaming through computers. The basic disadvantages of computer games on the extensive gamers are that similar to other forms of addictions, the users turn out to be lost in the world of gaming, tell untruths about the time they spend playing it, elude themselves from other things in life only to

Sunday, September 8, 2019


MATCHING STRATEGY TO FOREIGN OPERATING ENVIRONMENTS - Research Paper Example ness are facing, their use of the IR framework must based on managerial perceptions alongside the pressures placed by global integration and the pressures from local responsiveness. In applying international decision making it is essential to base on the capability of transferring and adapting the parent firm’s knowledge or capabilities of the foreign markets. A company planning on conducting its operations outside the borders of its local authority should have a good knowledge of the different trends prevailing in the different international markets. Companies applying international decision making should be able to apply international strategy to influence and control all decisions pertaining to strengths and weaknesses posed by companies operating in the markets they intend in venturing into. This will provide them with a leverage point as they will be able to determine and structure their products and services in such manners that reflect on the needs of foreign markets therefore being able to stand the competition posed by other companies. A good example is that Carrefour which is an international retailer is able to make good international decision making which entails the application of different standardized hypermarkets to venture into different countries where it carries out its activities or business. The best strategy to apply in such occasions where international decision making is required involves the use of International strategy (Cavusgil, Knight, & Riesenberger, 2011). This strategy can be described as a company’s ability to take its strength from the domestic market and use the same strategy in entering or venturing into international strategy. A good example of a company that uses this strategy is Wal-mart supermarket. This is because the company has taken the strategy which it uses on its country base to venture and introduce their goods in other countries yet still succeed in the international markets. Moreover, International strategy

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Management Solutions Using the PISCO Methodology Case Study

Management Solutions Using the PISCO Methodology - Case Study Example Many people have already transferred from place to place and a lot of those people, the so-called immigrants, have already decided to stay and work on the foreign lands they have gone to. Hence, the main effect of this social move on achieving success on other places, the employment of the multicultural population has been the resort to supporting the lives of the said immigrants. Hence, the workforce of every company making up the business industries is at times having the same worries on how to face the challenge of dealing with and managing people who are widely different from each other.Understanding this particular factor suggests that Lael Matthews is indeed facing a particular management dilemma that practically subjects her to a decision that needs to be made abruptly and systematically understanding the fact that this particular decision would directly affect the organization as a whole. Having this responsibility established right upon her shoulder, it could be observed how important her decision is going to be in connection with the growth of the organization that she is standing for. To know how complex the matter is, the definition of the entire situation shall be presented below.There are three managers vying for the promotion that is to be given to only one particular candidate. Among the candidates included three major personnel which included Liz, Roy and Quang Yeh. All particular individuals have had their own chances of serving the organization for quite some time and had been able to find ways to improve the progress of the business for some certain ways in their own remarkable ways.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Internship Report Format Essay Example for Free

Internship Report Format Essay Internship (Industrial Training) Report: An internship report is an organization study, a case study or a survey of an organization. The students are expected to make factual observation about functioning of an organization. The study is organization specific done by a student. The students are expected to study the whole organization or a wing of the organization (if the organization is of giant size). It is compulsory for the students to take up assignments or tasks (Project) given by the organization during their study period. Objective: To apprise students of the functioning of an organization. Submission of the Internship Report The internship report (Final- 3 hard bound copy and a soft copy) should be submitted Time Frame : 6 weeks Presentation and Viva The internship (industrial training) report will be evaluated by a team consisting of faculty members from the institute and the University department. The break up of marks is: a. Industrial Training report Evaluation 25 Marks b. Viva Voce 25 Marks Total 50 Marks Internship Report Format Purpose: To study Organizational activities in all functional areas and relate this to theoretical knowledge acquired and also to work on a project in one of the functional areas. Contents 1. Preliminary pages ââ€" ª Title Page (cover page and inside first page) ââ€" ª Declaration (By the student) ââ€" ª Certificate (Principal of the college On the letterhead) ââ€" ª Certificate (Faculty Guide in the College On the letterhead of the College) ââ€" ª Certificate (Organizational Guide on the letterhead of the Organization) ââ€" ª Acknowledgement ââ€" ª Contents ââ€" ª List of tables ââ€" ª List of charts / graphs 2. Executive Summary (Should contain summary of part A Part B in 2-3 pages) PART â€Å"A: Organizational Study 3. Chapter One Industry Profile Industry scenario with the various players details 4. Chapter Two Company Profile Details of the organization including the organization structure, A wards Certifications, SWOT analysis /Vision, Mission, Goals and objectives ,Markets present, market share, financials, Details of their products, Details of the various departments they have (Functional areas/Divisions) like ââ€" ª People ââ€" ª Policies ââ€" ª Systems and procedures ââ€" ª Problems if any Suggestions/Recommendations ( if any). PART â€Å"B: Study of the Problem / Issue 4. Chapter THREE Research Design †¢Statement of the Problem †¢Title of the project/study †¢Objectives of the Study †¢Scope of the study †¢Operational Definitions †¢Research Methodology 1. Sources of Data (Primary Secondary) 2. Research Method or type of study (Descriptive/Exploratory/ Experimental) 3. Sampling Plan (Sampling Unit, Sample size, Sampling Method) 4. Contact Method (Personal interview- Prior Appointment/Intercept / Mail / Telephone) 5. Data Collection Method (Questionnaire, Mechanical Devices) (ie., Research Instrument used). 6. Limitations of the Study 5.Chapter FOUR Data Analysis 6.Chapter FIVE Findings. Recommendations/Suggestions, Conclusion 7.My Learning 8.Bibliography (Don’t put chapter and page no. for this) The list of Books referred -Author, Title, edition, Publisher, Year of Publication and ISBN number. The list of Journals / Magazines etc referred Name of the journal/magazine, Publishing house, year/month of issue and article referred with the name(s) of the author of the article, and Page Numbers The list of the web sites (Not Search Engines) browsed The newspapers referred with Name of the Newspaper, edition and date of issue, the article title and the name of the person(s) who wrote the article. The names of the internal/private circulation material of any organization etc with details of it 9. Annexure (Don’t put chapter and page no. for this) Questionnaire, Interview Schedule, Financial Statements, Analysis sheets etc., Report: †¢ The report should be around 100 pages excluding the initial pages (certificates, declaration, contents) †¢ Spell check and grammar check to be made by the student before the final print is Taken. †¢ Both sides justification for all the pages †¢ Hard bound with Sky Blue Colour Cover. †¢ Font Size 12 for text/14 for headings Subheadings. †¢ 1.5 line spacing †¢ A4 Size Executive Bond Paper. †¢ Font style: Times New Roman / Arial. †¢ Foot notes-End of each chapter †¢ References at the end of each chapter